Contenido VOL.68 NO.9 2017 | Página |
Interdisciplinary Conservation; Meeting the Challenge for a Better Outcome: Experiences From Sturgeon Conservation | 1577 |
Predation of Freshwater Fish in Environments With Elevated Carbon Dioxide | 1585 |
Baseline Biogeochemical Data From Australia`s Continental Margin Links Seabed Sediments to Water Column Characteristics | 1593 |
Geographic Distribution Pattern of Low and High Nucleic Acid Content Bateria on a River-Catchment Scale | 1618 |
Assessment of the Physicochemical Characteristics of Surface Waterbodies in a Region Earmarked for Shale Gas Exploration (Eastern Cape Karoo, South Africa) | 1626 |
Rapid Appraisal Links Feral Buffalo With Kunkod (Melaleuca spp.) Decline in Freshwater Billabongs of Tropical Northern Australia | 1642 |
Groynes: a Factor Modifying the Ocurrence of Dragonfly Larvae (Odonata) on a Large Lowland River | 1653 |
Evaluating the Sensitivity of Ecological Indicators With a Perspective of Temporal Scales | 1664 |
Cormorant Predation Overlaps With Fish Commercial-Fishery Interest in a Swedish Lake | 1677 |
The Microhabitat Preferences of Trichoptera in Rivers in North-Western Spain | 1686 |
Differentiating the Roles of Shrimp and Aquatic Insects in Leaf Processing in a Neotropical Stream | 1695 |
Linking Patterns of Freshwater Discharge and Sources of Organic Matter Within the Rìo de la Plata Estuary and Adjacent Marshes | 1704 |
Tidal and Diel Movement Patterns of the Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis Sabina) Along a Stream-Order Gradient | 1716 |
A Preliminary Study of the Movement Patterns of False Killer Whales (Pseudorca Crassidens) in Coastal and Pelagic Waters of the Northern Territory, Australia | 1726 |
Pshysiological Response and Immediate Mortality of Gill-Net-Caught Blacktip Reef Sharks (Carcharhinus Melanopterus) | 1734 |
Forestry Affects the Abundance of Phomidium-Dominated Biofilms and the Funtioning of a New Zealand River Ecosystem | 1741 |
Determination of the Pshysical Drivers of Zostera Seagrass Distribution Using a Spatial Autoregressive Lag Model | 1752 |
Effects of Forest Width on Fish Use of Fringing Mangroves in a Highly Urbanised Tropical Estuary | 1764 |
Temporal Patterns of Association Between the Jellyfish Catostylus Mosaicus and a Sphaeromatid Isopod and Parasitic Anemone | 1771 |
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