The processes of patrimonialisation to which historic centres in different geographical contexts have been exposed have brought with them the development of economic activities such as tourism, which are presented as an engine of economic development for communities but which, if not properly planned, have consequences that are evident, for example, in the displacement and replacement of inhabitants and traditional activities in the old areas of cities and even in the destruction of the urban fabric, to make way for an urban renewal that ignores the cultural significance of these scenarios. The various aspects of this phenomenon in Europe, North America and Latin America suggest that the debate is far from over, as it is an issue that has been addressed for only a few decades in relation to the emergence of tourism and gentrification, and that at the same time there is an urgent need for proposals to mitigate these problems, which are now associated with the heritage character of historic centres.
Papers are invited on topics related, but not limited, to:
- Management and conservation of historic centers
- New tourist environments in cultural heritage
- Banalisation and touristification of the cultural heritage
- Gentrification
- Globalization and identity
- Heritage valuation of historic centers
Co-organized by
Co-organizer Bogotá: Universidad de La Salle
Co-organizer Cartagena: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano-Seccional Caribe