The environmental pressures and the economic and social effects of transport and territorial mobility are of great importance for sustainable development. Therefore, the challenge of developing sustainable transport infrastructures and modes of transport on a territorial and urban scale must be a strategic priority for the growth of cities and their metropolitan regions. The greatest challenge for today's cities is managing the mobility of people and freight. In particular, Latin American cities are experiencing an increase in passenger traffic, freight volume and the accelerated growth of the vehicle fleet. Therefore, having a long-term perspective that focuses on sustainability is a decisive factor in the future of mobility and in the development of large urban areas and their metropolitan regions.
Papers are invited on topics related, but not limited, to:
- Sustainable urban mobility and public policy
- Transport-oriented urban development
- Urban development and sustainable transport
- Transport management
- Big Data, modelling, simulation and spatial mobility
- Benchmarking for sustainable mobility
- Sustainable transport and urban vitality
- Intermodality and city region
Escuela de Ingeniería Julio Garavito; Centro de Política del Suelo y Valoraciones-CPSV, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña