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Viernes, Agosto 31, 2018


The Fundación Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano requires full-time professors starting 2019.

The selected candidates will serve as professors and will develop teaching activities at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, research, outreach and administrative duties. This will be an exclusive and full time endeavor.

Candidates who aspire to these positions must comply with the requirements specified below:






The applicant must submit all required documentation, as follows:

  • If you reside in Colombia, you must deliver the documents in physical from 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 9, 2018 and until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 7, 2018 to the following address: 

Fundación Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Departamento de Innovación Educativa, módulo 2 oficina 225

Carrera 4 No. 22 - 61, Bogotá D.C., Colombia 

  • Only if you reside outside Colombia, by email from 00:00 hours on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 and until 23:59 hours (UTC / GMT - 5 hours) on Friday September 7, 2018 to

All documents sent by email must be included as attachments to the email message, in a compressed digital folder, except for the academic and professional recommendations, which must be sent directly by the person who writes them.

NO APPLICATIONS received in physical form after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 7, 2018 will be considered, nor will applications received by email after 23:59 p.m. (UTC / GMT - 5 hours) on September 7, 2018.

Applications that do not comply with all established requirements or are submitted with incomplete documentation, will be excluded from the process.


To present an application it is essential to provide the following documentation, which in the case of being delivered in physical form, must be placed inside a sealed envelope, marked with the full name of the candidate and the profile code which he/she aspires to; or if sent by email, it must be placed inside a compressed digital folder, marked with the full name of the candidate and the profile code which he/she aspires to: 

  1. Curriculum Vitae in UTADEO format (download it here), duly completed and signed.
  2. Teaching résumé. Check here the guidelines for the preparation and presentation of this document.
  3. Photocopy of undergraduate and postgraduate academic degrees ordered chronologically from the most recent to the oldest. Only a copy of the diploma or copy of the degree certificate will be accepted. Certificates of completion of studies or satisfactory thesis defense, will not be valid for this requirement.

NOTE: In cases where undergraduate and postgraduate degrees were awarded by foreign higher education institutions, the applicant must attach the validation resolution issued by the Ministry of National Education. If you do not have the validation resolution, and you are selected, you will have a maximum period of one year to submit to the Utadeo Human Resources Office, the validation resolution of the degree issued by the Ministry of National Education of Colombia.

  1. Certification of English language proficiency. Candidates must have a minimum level of B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for CEFR Languages) or equivalent (see the table of scores that certify level B2). C1 Level is desirable. In case of not having the corresponding certification, it is at the discretion of the Selection Committee to determine compliance with the requirement.
  2. Two academic and two professional recommendations written in the Utadeo format (download the academic / professional recommendations format here in WORD or PDF). Each recommendation must be physically delivered in a sealed envelope marked with the name of the candidate for whom the concept is written, or it can be sent by e-mail to directly by the person writing it, specifying in the subject the full name of the candidate for whom the recommendation is written.

DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR PHASE TWO (For candidates who are selected for the second phase of the process).

After evaluating all received applications, the University will select which candidates continue on to the next phase of the process and will notify them by email. In Phase Two, once the candidate receives notification that he/she will continue in the process and is called in to be tested and interviewed, he/she must provide the following documentation, which if delivered in physical form must be placed in a sealed envelope marked with the full name of the candidate and the profile code which he / she aspires to, or if sent by email, must be placed inside a compressed digital folder marked with the full name of the candidate and the profile code which he / she aspires to: 

  1. Certificates of teaching experience in higher education institutions described in the Curriculum Vitae, ordered chronologically from the most recent to the oldest. Certificates that are not annexed will not be taken into account for the classification and salary assignment process. These should include at least:

o          Name of the Higher Education Institution

o          Name of courses taught

o          Start and end date

o          Dedication (full or part time). For Course Dedication, number of hours must be specified. 

  1. Certificates of professional and investigative experience described in the Curriculum Vitae, ordered chronologically from the most recent to the oldest. Certificates that are not annexed will not be taken into account for the classification and salary assignment process. These should include at least: 

o          Name of the Entity

o          Position

o          Name of the project or function performed

o          Start and end date

o          Dedication (full or part time). 

Note: If not selected to any of the phases described above, the applicant may request return of their documents no later than two (2) months after publication of the results of this open call. In no case will Utadeo assume shipping costs. Academic and professional recommendations will not be handed over to the candidate. 


  1. Documentation verification process: The corresponding department will verify that the applications were received within the established deadlines and under the general terms.
  2. Evaluation process: An Evaluation Committee will be formed within each School for the purposes of this process. Any considerations and criteria defined by the Evaluation Committee to select the candidates that continue on to Phase Two, will be of internal use and of discretionary knowledge of Utadeo.
  3. Tests and interviews, and receipt of documentation for Phase Two: Tests and interviews will be conducted by the Evaluation Committee of each School. The considerations and criteria defined by the Evaluation Committee will be of internal use and of discretionary knowledge of Utadeo. For applicants from outside the city of Bogota, the interview may be given by videoconference or telephone call. Certificates of experience that are not sent on time will not be considered for the selection and classification process.
  4. Consolidation of results and announcement of selected candidates: Once the previous phases have been completed, the Academic Vice-Dean and the Classification and Professional Promotion Committee of Utadeo will recommend hiring of the best candidates to the Dean, who will make the final decision. The resolution with the names of those selected will be published on the Utadeo website on February 8, 2019. 


Full-time professors are classified into categories that recognize and value their level of training, relevant and certified teaching, professional or artistic experience, teaching qualities and research output, among others. The salary contemplated for a full-time professor at Utadeo, ranged between $ 4'140,394 (COP) and $ 10'664,183 (COP) for 2018. The hiring conditions and dates will be set by the Classification and Professional Promotion Committee and the Dean of Utadeo at the time of hiring. The resolution containing the selected applicants of this open call does not constitute any contractual obligation for the Fundación Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, until the corresponding contract is perfected.


For additional information, please contact:

Coordinación del Concurso Docente Tadeísta

PBX: (57-1) 242 70 30 extension 1740

Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 2613 del 14 de agosto de 1959 Minjusticia.

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.