Perfiles de Investigación
Artes y Diseño
Masters of Arts in Fashion and Textiles Innovation and New Applications, Heriot Watt University School of Textiles and Design. Escocia, Reino Unido (Magíster en Innovación en Moda y Textiles y Nuevas Aplicaciones, Escuela de Textiles y Diseño). Diseñadora de Moda de la Fundación Universitaria del Area Andina.
Siempre le ha interesado el lenguaje interdisciplinar de la moda, es por esto que su trabajo y las clases que imparte apelan al constante diálogo entre algún campo del sistema moda y otras áreas, con el objetivo de generar innovaciones, procesos sostenibles, y diseño con impacto social.
Masters of Arts in Fashion and Textiles Innovation and New Applications, Heriot Watt University School of Textiles and Design. Scotland, UK (Master of Innovation in Fashion and Textiles and New Applications, School of Textiles and Design). Fashion Designer of the Andean Area University Foundation.
He has always been interested in the interdisciplinary language of fashion, which is why his work and the classes he teaches appeal to constant dialogue between some field of the fashion system and other areas, with the aim of generating innovations, sustainable processes, and impactful design. Social.