University's Foundation
Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano was founded in 1954 as a response both to the historical moment as to the need the country had in natural resources. The ravages of war, Rojas Pinilla's dictatorship and the crisis in universities led Joaquin Molano Campuzano, Javier Pulgar Vidal and Jaime Forero Valdes to create an institution that would mold "new generations devoid of sectarianism, fanaticism and hate, with an absolute conscience in human and natural resources' immeasurable value" (J. Molano). On February 5th, 1954, they founded Tadeo University with the objective of "continuing the cultural and scientific work started by the Botanical Expedition."
Jorge Tadeo Lozano's name is explained through the Botanical Expedition of the New Kingdom of Granada, paradigm that encouraged its founders, by its academic and scientific merits, for Jorge Tadeo Lozano was linked not only to the expedition as a zoologist, but also through the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario in its chemistry professorship, by participating actively in the New Grenadine Independence, and also because Joaquin Molano was a descendant of Joaquin Gomez Hoyos, husband to Maria Tadea Lozano e Isasi, widow of Jorge Tadeo Lozano.
Creation of its first schools
*Indian-American Natural Resources
*Economy, Statistics and Administration
*Geography, Topography and Cartography
*International Politics Institute
*Diplomacy and History
*There were courses in Superior Feminine Institute "La Bordadita" in architectural design, decoration and propaganda, bilingual secretary, linguistics and general culture
*Postgraduate School and Superior Extension Institute were opened
*The Altitude Biology Station "Francisco Wiesner Rozo" was created
*International and Diplomatic Studies Institute started
The following faculties are created:
*Ocean Sciences
*Business Management
*Fine Arts
*Graphic Design
*International Commerce
*Scientific Investigations Department starts
*University Well-being policies are elaborated
The following faculties are created:
*Food Engineering
*Agricultural Administration
*Social Communications
*Information System's Administration
*Industrial Design
*The Sea Museum is inaugurated
* The university's campus in Cartagena, opens – Seccional del Caribe -
*The Center for Studies and Research on Agricultural Marketing is created
*Postgraduate School begins
*The first edition of "La Tadeo" magazine is released
*The university's radio station HJUT 106.9 FM begins operations
*"Agenda Cultural" magazine is created
*The campus in Santa Marta opens
*The Center for Research and Consulting Agribusiness begins
*Law and Interior Architecture programs are created
*The Office for Cooperation and International Relations is created
*Programs for Graduates through the Graduates Office start
*Marine World Aquarium in Santa Marta opens
*Academic offering is expanded with Technological Programs, Specializations, Masters and Doctorate
The following undergraduate courses are created:
*Plant Biology
*Environmental Biology
*Chemical Engineering
*Systems Engineering
*Industrial Engineering
*Government and Political Science
The following Masters Programs are created:
*Environmental Sciences
*Aesthetics and Art History
*Marine Sciences
*Doctorate in Marine Sciences is created in agreement with Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad Del Magdalena, Universidad Del Valle, Universidad Del Norte; Marine and Coastal Investigations Institute, and the Colombian Ocean Commission
The university's structure is renewed with the creation of four faculties, to which the following academic programs are ascribed:
*Engineering and Natural Science
*Art and Design
*Economical and Administrative Science
*Social Science
*Center for Robotics and Computers - CERI - opens
*The university's compromise with the Institutional Accreditation process becomes a reality
*Curricular renovation is carried out
*The Development Plan for Tadeo Students is issued (2009-2014)
*The restructuring of the Academic Vice steps forward
Important areas are organized to support academic activities, such as:
*Academic Direction