During the first semester of 1976, the University started its courses in Architecture, International Trade and Tourism Administration by order of the Jorge Tadeo Lozano of Bogota University principal board who authorized the year before the creation of the Caribbean Section, based in the city of Cartagena.
In the year of 1993, under the New Higher Education Law, it offered an extension on Social Communications and Graphic Design programs. Later, in 2000, the Business Administration program arises, strengthening the knowledge area together with the Tourism Administration and International Trade programs. The offer of university programs in the Section is complemented in 2001 with the extension of the Advertisement program.
Corresponding to the new challenges in the University, attending to the needs of formation of human talent and considering the trends of local and regional development, Associate programs are offered starting in 2002: Multimedia and Audiovisual Realization; Radio and Television Production, and the Aquaculture Technology program.